The education sector is constantly evolving, and this ever changing educational landscape brings with it significant changes to the way schools are managed.
When managed well, Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) provide many benefits to individual schools, ensuring they are sharing best practices and advancing the educational outcomes across the whole group.
Virtue Technologies has been working with Multi-Academy Trusts for over 15 years and we are recognised as being at the forefront of innovation. We ensure the educational outcomes a school aspires to are complemented by, and not driven by, technology.
We work closely with you and your trust to understand your challenges and issues in order to create the most effective ICT solutions, bespoke to your trust.
The services and tools we provide to Multi-Academy Trusts support your vision and enhance collaboration, all while reducing costs across the trust’s ICT provision.
How Will A Central Service Approach Benefit Your Multi-Academy Trust?
A joined up approach as part of our Centralised Services offers many benefits to your trust, and makes collaboration across the individual schools much easier.
One key benefit of this service for MATs is that users can be anywhere and yet notice no difference in experience. This removes barriers to collaboration across sites and is particularly beneficial now that remote working is so prevalent.
Centralised data gathering and reporting improves cross site working, and if required, aids in disaster recovery.
The Virtue Technologies approach offers your trust a clear strategy and plan with budgeted costs.
Planned consistent costs allow you to manage budgets more closely and you’ll see savings across the group.
These are just a few of the ways you can benefit from having a centralised service approach for your Multi-Academy Trust.
For more information, and even more ways Virtue Technologies can improve the educational outcomes for your Multi-Academy Trust call 01695 731 233 where one of our Account Managers will be happy to help.